Cassian Disruption v6

Cassian Andor
Dedicated to the Rebellion
Jedha City

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $140.51
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Published April 03, 2024

My 6th iteration of this cassian deck. I readded copies of Lothal insurgent and Chewbacca, while trying out guerilla attack pod as a finisher. Lando is also in here because I like the idea of 6 saboteur damage, and his ability is optional but potentially helpful. One copy of wing leader as well for a random buff on turn 3+. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Spark of rebellion is moved to sideboard as it's a dead card in some matchups. Heroic sacrifice is in the sideboard because I like the card but am not sure if it needs a home in the main deck. Forced surrender added to sideboard to counter control and midrange matchup. Disabling fang fighter is there for buff decks like tarkin, plus it looks cool. Any feedback or comments welcome, as we're all trying to learn this new game together :)



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