Let the Wookie win

Walking Carpet
Chopper Base

Cunning AspectVigilance AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $53.20
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Published April 27, 2024

Change log. +Vanquish (main deck) -1 TakeDown (main deck) - Lothal Insurgent (Main deck) +1 Yoda (Main deck) Changed sideboard x1 Takedown x2 Vanquish x3 Entrenched x1 Lothal Insurgent x3 Rugged Surviors Skip turn 1 action unless you draw a Restored Arc. Mulligan for Wilderness Fighter or Crafty Smuggler. Round 2, use chewbacca ability to play Crafty Smuggler or Wilderness Fighter with Sentinel as the shield will make it survive any turn 1 unit the other player could have out yet. Keep Resilient as it is the only way to keep Baze or Chewbacca (leader) around long enough to use Grit. 3x Resilient will make Chewie be a 2/18 with Grit, Sentinel. Protector is really only if you need to make a unit stay Sentinel. or really want to give Chewie +1/+1 Also Han Solo and Syndiacate Lackey are to defeat any Saboteur (7th Sister.) Cunning is there as it surprises the other player, Due to it costing 6. Yet it still has great value

Aztuck Liberator Ship is there as a replacment for the Falcon as I do not have that card yet. If you have the Falcon I would reccomend changing it. Ezra, Lothal, Leia are good canidates for sentinel when you don't have a shielded unit. Obi-wan is a great sentinel without the FORCE bonus. I would use the experiance on Chewie (leader) , Baze, Han solo. Lando I use to return a resourced waylay to my hand so I can use it to bounce Redemption back to hand.

Any questions please write them below!



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