NoBeefJustParty - Air Boba Swiss Killer 76% Win Rate

Boba Fett
Collecting the Bounty
Kestro City

Aggression AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $28.30
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Published October 15, 2024

Air Boba - Swiss Killer

At the start of set 2 I clocked a video by the chaps over on the KTOD channel about Boba / Aggro and spaceships and I though yeah thats my jam!

I've been playing this pretty much since the start of the set and it has been my deck for every bit of serious tournament play I have entered and will be taking it (in some sort of description) to the PQ I'll be attending.


Results don't lie! I spent a while tweaking this after practicing on Karabast but nothing beats playing in the flesh, and seeing your opponents face when they realise I do not have enough Space Ships

28.07. Athena Games Win-a-Box

  • 3/1 in Swiss : Beat Yellow Boba 2-0, Beat Sabine ECL 2-0, Lost to Yellow Boba 2-0, Beat Qira Green 2-0, Top 4 Cut Beat Iden Green 2-0, Lost 2-0 to Boba ECL in the Final

14.09 Alpha Games Store Showdown 19 Players

  • 5/0 in Swiss!!! : Beat Vader Green 2-1, Beat Qira Green 2-1, Beat Sabine ECL 2-1, Beat Vader Blue 2-0, Beat Sabine ECL 2-1, Top 8 cut lost to Han2 Blue

28.09 Athena Games Store Showdown 27 Players

  • 4/1 in Swiss missed the cut due to SoS : Beat Cad Bane Red 2-0, Beast Bossk Blue 2-0, Beat Tarkin Yellow 2-0, Lost to Bossk ECL 2-1, Beat Rey Red 2-0

12.10 Shuffle Board Game Cafe Store Showdown 13 Players

  • 3/1 in Swiss Missed out on Top 4 due to SoS : Round 1 Bye, Round 2 Lost to Han2 Blue 2-1, Beat Tarkin Blue 2-0, Beat Tarkin Yellow 2-0

As you can see some really good results with a deck that costs less than 50 bucks! The games I've lost I can honestly say I lost to the better player but never thought I never stood a chance in the game it self.


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the tactics here, flood the space arena and then smash hard with combos involving Surprise Strike and Armed to the Teeth.

Hints and Tips

Mainly practice, get used to when you can use those combos, and when to put out the right ships, they all have a different purpose against a different opponent.

  1. Trade in space its fine, you will swamp that side of the board again in no time.
  2. Do not put Armed to the Teeth directly on the Phantoms, they do not need it put it on the Jumpmasters and then spread the love around!
  3. Boba is really a distraction, a great target for the extra love from Armed to the Teeth and a Surprise Strike make the most of him being out as he will be a target, they'll go all out to kill him in fear of you putting the armour on him. Which you don't even have!
  4. Triple Dark Raid. Play the board, while a Firespray might look like the best option, can you slow them down with a Cartel Space Raider or Black Sun Fighter. Take something out with the Raider? Or even remove an upgrade or bounty with a Fang Fighter. Its such a strong card an can turn a game on its head.
  5. Outmaneuvr on the Boba flip turn before you flip Boba. Oooooh Baby!

Specific Leaders and Units

  1. Sabine - Force Choke finish her off, and if not Outmaneuvre the turn she is flipped / or turn after if you have claimed. Fang Fighter away that Dark Sabre.
  2. Snoke - If you're playing blue hold back a Force Choke to deal with him and then drop the Restless Raider afterwards. The sideboard is mainly built for dealing with Snokes as well.
  3. Boba - Its a tough one, but again sideboard is your friend, also try to keep a Fang Fighter back to ditch his armour.
  4. Rey - If your quick enough she isn't too much of a problem, however if you find your self having to sideboard becuase of Lukes, or Concord Dawn Swoop Down is a great card to deal with her, and Fell the Dragon those Lukes away!
  5. Control Decks - Get those Phantoms out quick, and if you can get Snapshot on them to protect them from Make an Opening, and Snoke.


As you can see Han2 is a tough match up for me when piloted well. Luke and Redemptions just make it really hard to finish the game if your opponent gets them out before you have won. If they have Concord Dawn Protectors as well then it is going to cause you some problems if you do not see those Open Fires, or Pull a Raider or Firespray with a Triple Dark Raider.

Boba Green ramping Boba out a turn early is a real issue, if that happens chances are I am going to lose. Lets be honest thats not surprising information right!

Green Villain decks once they get Maul out its an uphill struggle, there is no way to slow him down with no ground units to get in his way.

Leia! I have hardly beaten Leia with this deck I play my friend at work at lot and the double or even triple swing just messes me up thankfully not much of her around in tournaments.

Planetary Qualifier

I am off to the Planetary Qualifier at Mox in the Hole in the UK at the end of the month and I will be taking a version of this. I will potentially be making some changes things I have been playing with :

  1. A handful of ground units, Greedo, Bazine, Kintan Intimidator have all been performing quite well.
  2. Swapping to Tarkin Town - I've not been a fan previously I lost a lot of games due to it, but starting to play around with it a bit more and understanding how you need to play a bit differently
  3. No Good To Me Dead in the main.
  4. Daring Raid, works well if I switch to TT, but also a good card to deal with early units, or even get you over the line to win the game.
  5. Xanadu Blood - Hits hard! 9 with a Surprise Strike!!!!!

Signing off

Well there you have it, my spin on a deck that has come into fashion a bit as of late. Great to see other versions of it performing well in some PQ's over the past couple of weekends, and really looking forward to see how far I can take it when I hit a PQ!



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