Vader: Commanding This Deck - CC

Darth Vader
Dark Lord of the Sith
Command Center

Aggression AspectCommand AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $290.89
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Published May 25, 2024

This deck is my battle worn and proven approach to make an SWU experience similar to the Rogue One Vader Hallway scene.

I would describe it best as a blend of the three archetypes depending on how you play and who you play but it firmly sits in the Midrange category.

The goal is to win by turn 6 by abusing Superlaser Technicians, Resupplies, and Snowtrooper Lieutenants and Superlaser Technicians to achieve 7 resources by turn 4, deploying Vader and attaching lightsabers to him to essentially deal 11 damage to a base. This is the absolutely perfect scenario and has only happened to me twice in over 30 games.

Typically this deck tries to stabilize using Vader, Overwhelming Barrages, and Restore(Starvipers and Reinforcement Walkers) units for the mid to late game. Devastator and Palpatine are seal the deal while Open Fire and 7th Sister do well against unit heavy decks. It’s held it’s own against Leia Aggro (a very hard counter) and Sabine (more of a race to the bottom) but struggled against Iden Green, and Tarkin Red. I’ve yet to play against Boba and Chirrut.



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