Gamboge Duny Sparrowhawk 2: Electric Boogaloo

Jyn Erso
Resisting Oppression
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $121.58
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Draw Cards

by limao

Published March 11, 2024

Deck based on Unplayable's Jyn deck featured in this episode

Went easier on the "Ambush" side of the deck and more of the "Win every combat" side of it.

Strafing Gunship seems to be amazing paired with Jyn (maybe Wedge needs to come back). Shoot First also seems like an easy fit.

Don't be afraid to use ECL early, the idea here is to win the arenas and keep it's momentum.

Dodonna, while worse than Veers by costing one more, in this deck, the +1 Health is almost a +2 since Jyn debuffs the power of enemies so he is a nice inclusion.

The sideboard idea is to focus on the more grindier match ups.



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