Leia - Aggro wie Berlin!

Leia Organa
Alliance General

Aggression AspectCommand AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $117.01
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Published April 19, 2024

With this deck you can beat every sort of opponent. Doesn't matter if aggro, control or midrange since you got the right mix of cards to adjust your strategy.

There is three options to start the game:

  1. Either you want to play Benthic and SpecForce on the first turn to use Leias ability on the second one to attack with Benthic, buff SpecForce and than attakc with him.
  2. Play X- or A-Wing on the first turn and Red Three or Wing leader (and use the experience tokens) on the second to go heavy in space.
  3. Play Sabine in the first turn. Since she is most likely the strongest two drop, this is always a good choice.

After the opening it depends on what cards you draw. Make sure to use Leias ability to give you a speed advantage. Use the rebel synergies and the one of Red Three. Also use Benthics ability and the one of Fighters for freedom to be strong because of your Aggression (red) units.

When you deploy Leia you should make sure to have a Wing Leader to buff her to surely keep her on the board. Medal Ceremony works as well but you lose out on the buff for the first attack.

For A Cause I Believe in can be resouced in the first two to three rounds since you want to have lots of units. Make sure to have one for the later stage of the game because it can deal direct damage. Of course you can use it earlier to adapt the order of the cards you draw.

If it comes to a late game, Windu and U-Wing Reinforcement. Will help you to close the game.

In the sideboard you have Wolff and Rebel Pathfinder to help you if the opponent has lots of sentinel and shields. Precision fire helps too in this case but also makes you more aggro if needed since it buffs attacks of troopers.

Rebel Assault was left out of this deck since you got the Leia ability. It works nice when you can combine it with Leia as a unit but you won't be able to play this enough, so it is not worth it.

Have fun with this deck.



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