Han Solo Green TOP 3 (/32) Merfolk, Poland 11.05.24 (Piotr Grabiec, pgkrzywy)

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler
Echo Base

Command AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $227.97
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Published May 12, 2024

Here’s my updated Green Han Solo deck that got me to TOP 3 of 32 at SW Unlimited Store Showdown in Merfolk (Poland, 11.05.24). It relies on Home Ones, Sneak Attacks and Fleet Lieutenants. I describe how I intend to play it, but I wonder if you have ideas to make it better!

I use leader skill only when necessary. Han is always lacking cards. Bright Hope recalling unit, hopefully exhausted and/or damaged (Echo, Fleet, Marine, Greedo, Leia) to draw, helps a ton.

Greedos and Leia’s can be played both in first turn. There are also 3 Resupplies for ramping that Han can play even at the start of the game (or any other 3R card, too, for that matter!).

While having initiative, though, I prefer Marine. Playing two cards or using Han’s skill means that I will probably lose the token. If I still have it, I aim to follow with Fleet L. If not - Echo Sentinel.

Early game Falcon could be a trap. After it, you lose card or resource each round. First one I draw, I’m putting down, then I try to discard it with Han’s skill for Home One to bring it back later

After getting to magic 5R I try to play Han-unit or U-Wing, but sometimes leader is DOA (Barrage, NGFMD). I try to have a plan B, f.e. Mercenary Company with Ambush & Overwhelm.

And how to deal with buffed 1-3R units (shields and experience tokens) with no Waylays? Traitorous’em away on 5R, preferably when ready but even exhausted is sometimes also viable play.

Ultimate combo is playing Home One via Sneak Attack. It enters ready - but only for one turn. I can do it for just 7R, but I want to prepare by ensuring that one Fleet Lieutenant is in Discard Pile (via suicide attack or by Han’s skill). Why?

H1 is recovering FL via "when played" effect, and FL’s "when played" effect let you attack with H1 for 7+2 damage and there is nothing that can stop it since it’s all just one action! It can be a finisher or it can destroy f.e. Avenger in one hit.

Surprise Striking from any unit and Sneak Attacking f.e. Fleet Lieutenant for instant 5 point hit are also good plays. I try to use Falcon(s) late game (preferably after enemy took initiative).

I can also Sneak Attack the Reinforcement Walker (instant draw/heal for 3 with chance to draw/heal 3 more) on even Han to hit the base directly. Change of Heart could also be a great help.

Cards that I tried, but decided against, are Mon Mothma, Ezra, Rogue Operative, Kallus, Dodonna, Chewbacca, Rogue Squadron Skirmisher, Lando and Waylay. I aim to hurt the base, not to stall.

I also don’t use ECL with Steadfast etc. because there are many units with Ambush already. There are other things that I want to do at 5R anyway and 5HP breathing room is godsend for Han.

As for the Side Deck, for Aggro I use 4R cards in place of 8Rs. For matchups with Control/Mid the are two more out of aspect options for U-Wing or Sneak Attack. And some Sparks of Rebellion, too.

My five matchups at Store Showdown mentioned earlier were:

  • 1 Iden Blue 30 2:0
  • 2 Vader Blue 30 2:0
  • 3 Tarkin Red 30 2:0
  • 4 Vader Green 25 2:1
  • 5 Boba Yellow 30 1:2

After the event I made some tweaks, though. 2x Change of Heart and 2x Walker went straight into main deck replacing Luke and 3x Sympathizers (I was sidedecking them all the time anyway).

I also removed from my sidedeck 3x Waylay and 1x Spark. I never used them and I chose 3x Strafing Gunship and 1x Mace instead. I am not fully sold of it yet tbh so more tweaking to come!



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