Luke Blue

Luke Skywalker
Faithful Friend
Capital City

Vigilance AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $324.26
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Draw Cards

by DeaLerZ

Published April 17, 2024

This deck is awesome. Shield is very underrated.

Turns 1 and 2 you want to get units on the board to set yourself up for either using restore, or attaching upgrades. R2-D2 and Restored Arc are you best units on turn 1. R2-D2 can also get a shield on it right away. This will help your weaker units be relevant against stronger units, and can help you keep up the pace with your opponent if they are an aggro deck. The great thing about this deck is that you can play it aggressively against aggro and outpace them with your upgrades and suttle restore, or you can play more tempo and remove their units with your units that have shields for free, or using your removal. Aggro is very favorable for this deck due to the built in Restore on your units, being able to use Vigilance for 4 resources, and of course the advantage that shield gives you.

Turn 3 you can often times play a Vigilance to swing momentum or play a Kanan which is a solid body on the field. Turn 4 you are usually trying to play 2 units, or play a unit, and remove one of their units. You can also play a Kanan here and put a shield on it.

Against aggro your Luke turn is usually where you swing the game in your favor. Ideally, you want to play a Bendu down first. Bendu is a "Brick wall" in this deck as right away it gets you value and can usually take a couple of hits. After you play Bendu you immediately want to use Luke's deploy leader action, and than attack with Luke right after that and put a shield onto Bendu. This ensures that Bendu can take atleast two more hits. If you are lucky and Bendu's 4 power has removed most of the ground threats than you can set up a situation where you can put a shield onto Bendu every turn with Luke and quickly take over the game.

Turn 6 ideally you want to play Luke Skywalker, or something like a "Fleet Lieutenant" combined with "The Force is With Me" to attack in with your bigger units gain a little life and swing the game heavily in your favor. The game is usually over by turn 6 or 7 as you have swung the momentum in your favor.

Against control you want to play as many units as possible so that they cannot remove everything, and you want to play to the deck's more aggressive side to run your opponent over quickly. Shields can still be useful against Red decks, and especially against Overwhelming Barrage. You want to outpace them before they get to their Leader turn. Your advantage here is that you are a midrange deck that can play very aggressively and you are able to play Vigilance for 4 resources as opposed to control decks playing it for 6 resources currently. "The Force is With Me" is especially good in these matchups because it puts more pressure on your opponent, allows you to immediately attack, and puts a shield on that unit to protect it.

This deck is a lot of fun, and very competitive. Give it a shot!!



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