Kylo Yellow - Top 8 Dark Maure Tournament

Kylo Ren
Rash and Deadly
Coronet City

Aggression AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $63.65
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Draw Cards

by Vodlich

Published September 25, 2024

This deck was used during the Dark Maure Tournament in France - 150 players.

Overall result :

6-2 in the swiss rounds. Top 8 for the topcut.

Match by match detail

1st round : 0-2 Rey Blue.

Rey is basically my nemesis, it is almost impossible to beat her because of the healing. Unless you have a really opening start that she can not defeat like double fallen lightsaber on Kylo leader, you will loose. Once Rey has flipped, it is over.

2nd round : 0-2 Palpatine Blue

This one I think is a bit unlucky. Basically he always had the solution for my minion (including make an opening on Tie phantom turn) + the black sun sentinel which denies me a lot of damage.

3rd round : 2-0 Han Blue

This is a good matchup for me because he basically has no minion on the space, this is just a race to the point that I won despite being pillage on turn 4 with all my ressources ready which was a mistake because I had initiative.

4th round : 2-0 Qi'Ra red

Nothing very interesting to say here, basically the version of my opponent had almost no minion, so tie phantom and swarming was an easy win

5th round : 2-0 Tarkin Yellow

This one is a odd one because he also played space like me. Focus on the ground unit, deploy with a lightsaber, and win is guaranteed

6th round : 2-0 Boba Yellow

Boba Yellow as an opponent for Kylo is a hard one, because of Cunning. It takes so much time to rebuild from 2 exhausts + bounce that most of the time, you will loose to Boba once he has flipped. However, during this one my opponent missed some trade that I would have done as Boba, leading to a lot of damage on the base.

7th round : 2-0 Han Green

Straightforward match, my opponent has few space units, basically you have to trade the maz kanata early to avoid the huge body, then face. On the second match, side Waylay to bounce Bright Hope.

8th round : 2-0 Sabine ECL

The reason why I think this deck can perform in the current meta. Sabine ECL is a favorable matchup for me, not a lot, but I would say 60-40 which is still huge. Most of the time, it will be a race, and on an average hand vs an average hand, Kylo is faster. The force choke is basically only for Sabine, if you deployed before her, you can fallen lightsaber + force choke on the same turn which means that the match is over. Moreover, outmaneuver has a one of can help a lot since you are a lot in space and she is mostly on the ground, you basically has one turn ahead. Waylay can also be sided if you see a lot of Bright Hope.

Top 64 : 2-0 Sabine ECL

Unfortunately for my opponent, it was the same player against me. Nothing to add here.

Top 32: 2-0 Sabine ECL

From this time, it was open decklist. The list here runs multiple sundari peacekeeper, so it is a bit harder to kill her if she hits it. My opponent was very unlucky because he had no turn 1 on the first match. On the second match, I confiscate the darksaber which gave me the game. Fun fact: After the tournament we had an additional BO3 for fun that I lost 0-2.

Top 16 : 2-1 Lando Red

The game while on stream ! We both were surprised that our "outsiders" deck were that far in the top cut. I've never played against this leader before, it was not the aggressive version but more of midrange-ish version. Hard to tell what was the deciding factor, it could have gone both ways. Force choke helped me a lot to clear Lando on turn 3.

Top 8 : 1-2 Bossk Blue (Winner of the tournament)

Finally, the lost was here. Same problem as Rey, the healing is a huge problem. I stole a game by using confiscate on Kylo that had entrentched, then double fallen lightsaber, but it was a lucky draw from me and he had nothing.


Here is the overall conclusion : I think this is a Tier 2 deck, because it has some impossible matchup, but is a very strong against one of the most popular deck which is Sabine ECL and can take games against Boba Yellow.



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