A Lua e Eu
Total: 50 Cards
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Sideboard (10)
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Published April 05, 2024
Deck inspired (almost copied tbh) from ChaosTheory's "Sabine is Overrated" deck.
Main changes was to remove For a Cause I Believe In as a whole because there are 12 non-heorism cards which for me makes the card a lot worse. Instead, I'm running full playsets of Falcon and Wing Leader.
Sideboard I swaped Bamboozle for Heroic Sacrifice as a form of burn against more controlly decks.
Deck is named after Cassiano's song "A Lue e Eu". Cassiano (which is basically portuguese for Cassian) was an AMAZING soul/funk/Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) composer, singer and writer. Some of his most known songs, sung by him, are "A Lua e Eu" and"Coleção". Other songs made famous by Tim Maia but which were composed by Cassiano were "Primavera (Vai Chuva) and "Eu Amo Você"
Hope you guys enjoy this deck (check out ChaosTheory's original list here and hope you guys listen to some Cassiano too. He was amazing and should be more known across the world.
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