The Serpentine Coda

Gar Saxon
Viceroy of Mandalore
Coronet City

Cunning AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $34.91
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Draw Cards

by Hawaha

Published September 08, 2024

Edit changes after the last 2 Versions.

Smackson lives.

Removed Val - it works well with the shields and the Lurking but didnt come up often enough. Swapped for Incinerator Trooper. With the 3 ways play ether an event or upgrade to cause an attack for 1 action and all are at lest +2 or higher this should give a needed kill action. I might reduce something else and go to 3 Troopers pending on success

Removed Survivors Gauntlets - Added Inferno Four. Cheap Space Unit and the draw shaping seems good. The Gauntlet was not preforming as I needed it to. Cute plays to move Bountys off units to something else but was not good enough and not getting to move my upgrades as I would like. Often the Gauntlet would drop and move a bounty or a shield to its self and be awesome in space but most of the time when that happened the game was not in my favor and I would lose that game anyways.

Removed Dooku - Added Fenn Rau. All of the upgrades minus the blaster I can drop on it and give something -2-2 the turn its played. I wont get a swing with Reflexes so Jet pack is mega ideal as it will live and be a power hitter next turn.

Removed Greedo - Added Tie Advanced. With 2 more imperial cards this was a no brainer. Greedo is a good 3/1 but often was getting resourced and not preforming. Doesnt have an upgrade natively already and often not good.

Want to figure out how I can add Covert Strength. With Inferno Four in the Main board I may want to move Devotion Main Board as well.



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