Iden Mind Tricks

Iden Versio
Inferno Squad Commander

Aggression AspectVigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $212.09
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Draw Cards

by Zst0rme

Published March 30, 2024

Midrange control Iden aka Iden Mind Tricks

Remember to use "Pass" effectively. Your job is to remove or render useless everything your opponent plays. Units in the list are made to fill in the gaps when Resource efficiency allows, otherwise your turns are mostly just playing removal until turns 5-9.

Depending on the match-up, Gideon is your first big drop that stabilizes the game quickly when followed up by an Iden deployment. If your opponent does not have an immediate way to remove this, it tends to quickly spiral out of control and win matches against Sabine on it's own. If playing against control, you'll resource him and focus on removal until Count Dooku, Emporer Palpatine, and Avenger.

Superlaser Blast is your reset button late game against decks like Boba after their big swing turn floods the board. Imperial Interceptor helps deal with Boba's shielded space units. Death Troopers deal with Crafty Smugglers. Vigilance will also help stabilize with a nice chunk of healing and versatility to mill opponents or remove a unit or shield back up on Iden (Restock is in the sideboard for this, but can go main depending on your local meta)

I Am Your Father can be swapped for Mission briefing if you need to guarantee the card draw, but I don't think you need both. Playing IAYF later in the game with impactful choice like kill a Vader or draw 3 cards that will likely kill Vader is a good position to be in.

Ultimately, your win-con is either mill (remember Force Choke can force the opponent to draw a card) or top-end beat down after you get to 9-12 resources and start to overwhelm your opponents.



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