Cloud City Liberation
Total: 50 Cards
Ground Units (33)
Space Units (5)
Events (12)
Sideboard (10)
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Draw Cards
Published May 19, 2024
Running in line with the Sabine/Yellow Midrange Aggro trend, this plays more on reliable card draw and constant board control before rolling damage into the opponent's base
A few optimal inclusions would be R2-D2 and Wing Leader but there's a LOT of wiggle room with this deck. It should fair well against most match-ups, at least to stay even against them, but be careful against Blue and their restoration tricks (I would include Wolffe if I had him, he totally stops restore players in their tracks)
The sideboard inclusions should help maintain against other aggressive decks and give you a few options against the harder control decks.
Optimal Starting Hand:
Turn 1: Open with Sabine, Crafty Smuggler or an A-Wing
Turn 2: Fleet Lt. and smack base for 4 or 5 damage
Turn 3: Dodonna to support your board, Waylay an enemy unit to control their side, from here the game is really yours to play however you'd like
Just remember to always resource for the first 4 turns (until you have 6) so you can activate Cassian on time- after that, you don't have to resource at all!
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