9 Ramp Palpatine

Emperor Palpatine
Galactic Ruler
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $218.07
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Draw Cards

by Mickeyd

Published March 30, 2024

Palpatine can be played in a few different ways because it demands a few different things of you - if you want fodder to sac off, Yellow is good. If you want to control into the late game to play your big bombs, Blue is good. However, I think the best way to play Palp is to get him out as quickly as possible and play as many ramp spells as you can, so Green is the way to go for 9 Ramp Palpatine. You also get to play ECL and more of just the best cards in the game (Vader, Overwhelming Barrage, Super Laser Technician), and with a focus on early officials and with Palpatine as a leader you get one of the best stated 3 drops in Emperor's Royal Guard.

The gameplan is to give up the board a little bit early and hyperfocus on ramping up to 8. Aggressively using ECL specifically for Super Laser Tech just to get some damage on a unit or trade it plus your two drop for one unit is critical. Otherwise, ECL on Rukh is obviously good and ECL on General Krell can be alright (is very specifically good at killing Sabine on turn three if you ramped on turn two).

Beyond that, stabilize the board late and pivot into winning the game very quickly with ambushed Devastators and then sacing Motti to ready them and attack again.

The deck definitely can struggle against the aggressive decks like Sabine, but it does have a gameplan for them. It's other biggest weakness is in the air, so focus removal like Overwhelming Barrage and Traitorous in that lane until you can stabilize it with Devastator.

The deck crushes anything trying to go over the top, and does well against Boba too, though if they get an aggressive start with flying units it can be tricky.



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