Fennec Punches The Base - V1

Fennec Shand
Honoring the Deal
Catacombs of Cadera

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $118.99
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Published September 16, 2024

UPDATE: New version here: https://swudb.com/deck/VPoBTKaGonlKj

For a while I was brewing Fennec ECL and doing surprisingly well with it. My latest version here: https://swudb.com/deck/mccaQyyhlwuJJ

But then I worked a bunch with someone in the KTOD discord who was doing super well at locals with Fennec Red...and then I started brewing my own version. And dang...I think this deck actually has something major to it. I actually think it may be the successor to Sabine Yellow, who suffered quite a bit with Set 2 as she got very little important gains (unlike Sabine ECL) and got blocked more by all the cheap Sentinels.

Fennec Red is, in a lot of ways, structured like Sabine Yellow, except with a few core adjustments:

  • Fennec's ability gives the shell the ability to ambush sentinels for winning trades as soon as a card is played, therefore allowing the units you have on base to keep attacking base uninterrupted
  • Fennec's ability allows it to control a bit more easily against Sabine Yellow's previously unfavored matchups such as Sabine ECL (where you can't go pure control or pure aggro, but instead you try to race the deck while subtly cutting down their tempo whenever it gives you a winning trade, eventually giving you the lead). Also, Kylo Yellow is now even faster than Sabine Yellow, but Fennec Red lets you consistently ambush Kylo's threats and have him run out of gas quickly. Boba Yellow is still a tough matchup with the emergence of Set 2 Boba Yellow, but it's also not unwinnable either.
  • As a result of the above changes, the deck is slightly slower than Sabine Yellow in a vacuum. However, the ability to counter interruptions has made it faster for me in practice, and that's important.

As with Fennec ECL, don't be afraid to play units at rate when need be, and to delay playing Fennec if claiming initiative is preferred (or other reasons). But also, don't be afraid to use Fennec as bait sometimes if you deduce that the trade will be worth it!

Unit Sabine's ambush options are surprisingly quite varied and versatile, and K-2 Ambush is almost always incredible. And of course...Fleet Lieutenant Ambush remains one of the best action cheats in the game IMO.

Side board is still being worked on, but I really like Cripple Authority to give some extra discard kick against control, and Bamboozle is absolutely staying in there, and at least 2x. Too valuable in the aggro mirror, especially against Sabines. Other stuff is being experimented with.

You may be wondering...why Keep Fighting? Well, it's actually saved games for me, so I don't feel comfortable cutting them entirely. But the actual reason is I have a gorgeous Hyperfoil of Keep Fighting and I'm quite stubborn to keep it in my deck even if not fully optimal lol. Meanwhile, the ability to stall on flip turn until you can flip Fennec safely is also an added bonus. But I've also won a couple times before because I sneak attack something like a Rogue Operative, then Keep Fighting. Bam, 8 base damage that can't be blocked.

Future deck considerations:

  • Confiscate instead of Disabling Fang Fighter
  • 3PO for more card draw. Works great with Bamboozle and for long games against control.
  • Lothal Insurgent instead of Rebel Pathfinder. No saboteur and won't survive as much, but does damage more and can mess with the opponent's hand quite a bit at times.



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