Glup shitto

Wat Tambor
Techno Union Foreman
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $156.67
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Draw Cards

by Brass

Published October 23, 2024

This is it I have wat tambor figured out. Have been playing with this leader since he’s been revealed and he can do VERY interesting and fun things with battle droids using some really fun cards! You can get really surprising damage numbers off of one battle droid by stacking pattern delta, obedient vanguard when defeat, wat action, and wat’s leader on attack.

Poggle the lesser and manufactured soldiers lets you have an army of battle droids surprisingly quickly, and pattern delta or phyrric assault wil very quickly turn your army of 1/1’s into a serious threat. Enterprising lackeys, baktoid spider droid, and especially steadfast battalion are your leader killers, and combined with overwhelming barrage (which is still just a crazy card) it’s really a lot of damage that can be put out by the 5 resource turn.



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