Sworn to Weapons v11
Total: 50 Cards
Ground Units (27)
Space Units (2)
Events (4)
Upgrades (17)
Sideboard (10)
Cards by Cost
Cards by Aspect
Cards by Type
Cards by Rarity
Draw Cards
Published December 02, 2024
Updated from original list here: https://youtu.be/ujMUi2TS4Tw
A massive amount of upgrades offer a "tall" style of building up a few units for large swings of damage while providing the defense of exhausting your opponents units.
The smuggle equipment (Jetpack and Hotshot) are a premium here as they work around the worst detriment to playing equipment: Your opponent 2 for 1'ing you.
This deck is a more aggressive midrange style that aims to defeat the opponent by turn 6-7.
Enfys Nest is the late game card Din needed to end the game, while Perilous Position keeps the mid-late game plays in check and lowers them into Mando's 4-6 HP exhaust threshold.
Arm yourself to the teeth with this Mandalorian powerhouse and win the game with blasters and upgrades.
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- If you want to link to cards, the format is #[SET_CARDNUMBER]. So #[SOR_200] will render Spark of Rebellion.