Blue Sax Group

Gar Saxon
Viceroy of Mandalore
Security Complex

Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $115.19
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Draw Cards

by limao

Published June 24, 2024

UPDATE 17/07/2024

I published a new version of this deck if you want to test it in Karabast but I'll post the most recent changes in this list since it's the one with better views and more discussion going on.

Link to the latest build


-2 Follower of The Way
-1 Lom Pyke
-3 Kragan Gorr
-2 Black Sun Starfighter
-1 Fell the Dragon
-2 Rich Reward
-1 Second Chance

+2 Gideon Hask
+2 Supreme Leader Snoke
+2 Avenger
+3 Power of The Dark Side
+1 Takedown
+1 Public Enemy
+1 Darksaber

Original description

I've written a whole analysis of every card in this deck and why i've chosen mono vigilance instead of Saxon Yellow but the DB had a bug and I lost it all so I'll just post some bulletpoints for now.

• 25 HP is enough since we have so much healing
• Security Complex enable a 3/4 in the first wound with Follower of the Way
• Childsen is stupid
• Childsen is even more stupid when you can recur him if he was equipped with Second Chance
• Last point is even more stupid if you have Saxon deployed since you now can play the equipped unit for free and re-equip it with the Second Chance
• This is a Midrange deck, with great aggro matchup and a sideboard made to change the list to fight against hard control or event to become the control deck of the matchup if needed.



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