Leia Midrange Command

Leia Organa
Alliance General
Energy Conversion Lab

Command AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $103.97
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Published April 01, 2024

As of currently, I've been playing and adjusting this deck at locals, having great success with this deck.

Instead of being Aggro with the Aggression color variants of Leia, this one is more Midrange, being able to stabilize against the Aggro decks of the format, whilst having an aggressive curve against the Control decks.

Use the high health cards, like R2, 3PO, and Mothma to gain card advantage/sculpt the hand as well using the high health to early stabilize against early aggression.

Against the control decks, you can use your more aggressive cards, like Battlefield Marine, and Rebel Pathfinder to push that last damage through a Sentinel or to defeat those pesky Shields off of important cards like Iden, Dooku, and others.

The lynch pin of this deck are Ackbar and Command. Having access to Command early turns helps you either Turbo out Leia earlier on curve while either growing or getting rid of your opponents board.

U-wing Reinforcements is a great blow-out card that can really increase your mid-range board, and getting so many ETB triggers maxes out your action economy in this game.

Let me know if you have any suggestions/comments on improving this deck, thank you and cheers!




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