Luke Shield Midrange v12

Luke Skywalker
Faithful Friend
Capital City

Vigilance AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $331.64
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Draw Cards

by DidierG

Published March 20, 2024

This deck aims to use shielding to gain incremental value on the opponent, using Fleet Lieutenant, Wing Leader, The Force is With Me, General Dodonna, and Upgrades to get the highest power swing with shields both early and mid game. Restore healing is used to drag out the game as long as possible to drop huge mid/late game threats of Luke and Obiwan. Bendu is also used to combo big events with units mid/late. It also has a secondary mill victory that can pressure control decks or decks that draw (Vader/Palp/Uwing Reinforce) through multiple early uses of Vigilance and Kanan.

Check out the video:



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