Search Syntax

Syntactic Sugar

SWUDB includes the syntactic sugar keywords is and isnot for ease of use and readability during sharing of queries. Both are parsed as more specific queries, as listed below.

  • maindeck: Does the card go in your maindeck?
  • special, common, uncommon, rare, or legendary: Each is parsed as rarity: or rarity!= respectively.
  • unit, event, upgrade, leader, base, or token: Each is parsed as rarity: or rarity!= respectively.
  • vanilla: A card is "vanilla" if it has no ability text.
  • mine: A card is yours if it is in your collection.

  • is:maindeck

    Show cards either units, events, or upgrades.

  • is:leader

    Show cards that have the card type Leader.

Boolean Logic

By default, each space-delimited portion of a query is a necessary quality of a card. For example, the search query aspect:a cost=2 will only match cards that are both Aggression aspect cards and have a resource cost of 2.

You can use the query term or to join multiple queries. Any card that meets either the left or right conditions will be returned. Multiple or statements are not nested - each or creates a new collection of queries against which a card might qualify for inclusion in the results.

You can use a variety of comparison operators: :, =, =, !=, <, <=, >, and >=. Generally text fields won't accept anything except : or =.

  • power:>2 or hp:>2

    Show cards that have either Power greater than 2 or HP greater than 2.

  • aspect:a or aspect:vil cost:<=2

    Show cards that are either Aggression aspected, or cards that are Villainy aspected that cost less than or equal to 2 Resources.


You can join queries together using parentheses (). The text inside the parentheses will be evaluated before the rest of the query, and then treated as its own query.

SWUDB does not currently support nested parentheses (()).

  • (c:h or c:k) t:u

    Show Units with a morality Aspect.

  • (c:a ability:sentinel) or (aspect:Heroism a:restore)

    Show Aggression cards that mention Sentinel and Heroism cards that mention Restore.

Quotation Marks

You can use quotation marks - " - to look for phrases within bodies of text.

  • title:"Aspiring to Authority"

    Search for cards with the title "Aspiring to Authority".

  • a:"have the initiative"

    Show cards whose ability text includes "have the initiative".


You can search cards by their ability text using a or ability. This will search the ability text of both sides of a card for Leaders.

SWUDB does not currently have keyword search. Searches will not search helper text.

  • a=sentinel

    Show cards that mention sentinel. (Keyword search is not yet implemented.)

  • ability:experience r:<3

    Show cards that mention experience that cost 2 or less.


You can search for a card by its playable arena - space or ground - with arena, l, or lane. Arenas can be referred to by s/space or g/ground.

  • arena:s

    Show cards that are playable in space.

  • l=g

    Show ground cards.


You can search for any card by artist, using artist.

  • art:Aboshady

    Show cards illustrated by an artist named Aboshady.

  • artist:Farrow

    Show cards illustrated by an artist named Farrow.


You can search for any card by its aspect or color, using c, color, or aspect. You can refer to aspects by their name or their color.

Aspects can be referred to by their full name, like heroism, or by the minimally distinctive letters of their name: a, co, cu, h, vig, or vil.

Aspects can also be referred to by their color, using the full color name like black, or using a singular letter for the color. The single letter color codes are r, g, w, y, b (Blue, for Vigilance), and k (blacK, for Villainy). When referring to aspects by a single-letter color, multiple aspects can be combined into one query (e.g., c:yw to get all cards with both Cunning and Heroism).

Searching for an aspect with : or >= will search for all cards that include the aspects. Searching with = will search for cards that are exactly those aspects. Searching for aspects with <= will find cards that contain some (or all) of the listed aspects, but no others (useful for finding cards that might go in your deck). (Other mathematical search parameters coming soon.)

Searching for more than one color in one parameter requires using single letter searching (e.g., a or r or u but not vig).

  • c:g

    Show cards with the Command aspect.

  • aspect=Vigilance s:sor

    Show Vigilance-only cards in the Spark of Rebellion set.

  • c:h or c:b

    Show cards with either the Heroism or Vigilance aspects (or both).

  • c<=bw

    Show cards with either the Heroism or Vigilance aspects (or both).

  • c:rk

    Show cards with both the Aggression and Villainy aspects.


You can search for any card by its Resource cost, using r, resources, or cost.

Cost searching supports the mathematical comparisons =, !=, <, <=, >, and >=. It treats : as =.

Note that using != or <> will not catch cards with no cost; only cards with a cost are returned.

  • r=1

    Show all cards with a cost of 1.

  • cost<=2 tr:trooper

    Show all Troopers that cost 2 or less.

Hit Points and Power

You can search for any card by its Hit Point or Power value, using p, pow, or power (for Power), and hp, hitpoints, or health (for HP).

Hit Point and Power searching supports the mathematical comparisons =, !=, <, <=, >, and >=. It treats : as =.

Note that using != or <> will not catch cards with no Hit Point or Power value; only cards with a respective value are returned.

  • p>=3

    Show all cards with a power greater than or equal to 3.

  • health>2 a:r

    Show all Aggression cards with more than 2 HP.


You can search for the existence of a keyword on a card using keyword or kw. Using the colon operator will include cards that could have the keyword, whereas using the equal sign operator will only return cards that unconditionally have the keyword.

Cards that grant keywords are not included - they do not have the keyword.

  • kw:sentinel

    Show all cards with Sentinel. Gamorrean Retainers would be included in this result.

  • keyword=sentinel

    Show all cards with Sentinel. Gamorrean Retainers would not be included in this result.


You can search for any variant by its language, using lang or language, using comparisons :, =, and !=.

You can search using the following spellings:

  • en or English
  • de or German
  • es or Spanish
  • fr or French
  • it or Italian
  • l:de

    Search for all German cards.

  • language!=English variant:Showcase

    Show all Showcases not in English.


If a card has a title, you can search for it using ti or title.

  • ti=Mentor

    Show all cards whose title mentions 'mentor'.


You can search for a card's rarity with rarity.

  • rarity!=common

    Show all cards whose rarity is not Common.

  • rarity:s or rarity:r

    Show all cards whose rarity is Rare or Special.


You can search for any card by its traits, using tr, trait, or traits. Cards will match if any of their traits contain (or equal) the entered query.

  • tr=Vehicle

    Show all vehicles.

  • trait:Imperial c:g

    Show all Imperial cards with the Command aspect.


You can search for any card by its type, using t or type. Cards will match the following types:

  • leader or l
  • base or b
  • unit or u
  • event or e
  • upgrade or a (for "attachment")
  • token or t
  • t:Unit

    Show all Units.

  • t:a c:g

    Show all Command Upgrades.


You can search for any card by whether or not it's unique, using u or unique. Only true, True, t, or T will match for truth, everything else is parsed as false.

  • u:t t:a

    Show all Upgrades that are unique.

  • unique!=True

    Show all cards that are not unique.


You can search for a variant by its type of variant, using v or variant and the following criteria:

  • normal or n
  • hyperspace or h
  • showcase or s
  • organizedplay or op
  • v:op

    Show all variants with the organize play border.

  • variant!=base

    Show all variants that are not the base version.