Linque's Boba - Finalist Store Showdown (6-1)

Boba Fett
Collecting the Bounty

Aggression AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $95.77
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Draw Cards

by celso94

Published September 22, 2024

Finalist deck of the Bird Games Store Showdown in São Paulo - Brazil.

Score: 6-1

Hello! I'm Linque, the creator of this list!

First of all, why Boba RED? The answer is simple: Tarkintown. This deck is a perfect combination of tempo plays and aggression. Tarkintown allows me to abuse cards like ISB Agent and Daring Raid (which are "virtually" cast for zero, since Boba Fett untaps a resource), destroying my opponents' early game and not letting them come back into the game, using other cards like "Force Choke", "Waylay" and "No Good To Me Dead". Combine what I said with powerful plays with "Triple Dark Raid" and you have an extremely strong deck.

I had the highest score of the tournament, 13-4, but unfortunately losing the 1-2 final cost me the championship victory. I increasingly believe that I chose the right deck and I will definitely continue playing Boba Red in the next sets.

Now a report on my games:

  • 2-0 vs. Bossk ECL
  • 2-1 vs. Kylo Yellow
  • 2-1 vs. Rey Red
  • 2-0 vs. Krennic ECL
  • 2-0 vs. Bossk Blue
  • 2-0 vs. Sabine ECL
  • 1-2 vs. Krennic ECL

Sideboard Changes:

Remove Pillage and replace it with 2 Bazine and for sure in the next expansion I'll replace the 3 Wolffes with the Confederate Tri-Fighter. This will give me even more consistency against decks like Rey. The 2 confiscates will be removed from the list and replaced with 2 Change of Heart.

Notes: for some reason the comments are bugged here on SWUDB, when you get to the end of the list you won't be able to comment anything else. I'm also sad about that. But if you have any questions about the deck/how to play a certain matchup or anything like that, you can contact me on Discord, I'll answer everyone.

Discord: celso0752



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