Kylo is the best aggro deck in the set 2 meta

Kylo Ren
Rash and Deadly
Jedha City

Aggression AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $209.05
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Published August 13, 2024

The best aggro deck in the set 2 meta isn't Sabine, it's Kylo. Try this deck out and become a believer.

Play tips:

The primary methods of big damage combos in this deck involve Toro Calican and the cheap Bounty Hunter units to ready him. (Dengar, Greedo, Bounty Guild Initiate). On round 3 with 4 resources and Toro on the table, the ideal line is to give Toro a Fallen Lightsaber, buff Toro with Kylo's action, attack their base for 8, play a 1-cost Bounty Hunter to ready Toro, attack their base for 8 again, deploy Kylo, and attack with Kylo for 4-5. That's a 20-21 damage round 3.

Even if you don't have the nut draw, you can still Smuggle Hotshot DL-44 onto Toro for 3 resources or play a Jetpack from hand for 2 resources, that's only a couple less damage. Hotshots from hand is a choice as well, but riskier since it doesn't give you any survivability. Or you can just attack with Toro with just the Kylo buff and go wider on units.

If you don't have Toro, you are generally going for deploying Kylo and buffing him with an upgrade, particularly the Fallen Lightsaber makes Kylo a beast as well.

Round 1 you are generally looking to play two 1-cost units OR Evazan, then round 2 you commonly use Jedha city to have your units trade the board out to keep it clear and limit options for your opponent to deal with Kylo/Toro.

Round 2 without Toro, look to discard a Kylo's TIE Silencer to buff something and then play it with another 1 drop.

Post round 3, you're usually looking for reach to close the game out. Attack with what you can, then look to smuggle Reckless Gunslingers and go to the base with Daring Raids - the poor man's For a Cause.

Sideboard options Vs control take out the Boba Fetts and replace them with Lurking TIE Phantoms

Vs Sabine Darksaber or other voltron upgrade decks find a spot for No Good To Me Dead

Vs a deck with a lot of upgrade hate or that will side in upgrade hate, don't be afraid to side out Fallen Lightsabers. They're risky, but the smuggle upgrades don't really punish you much if they have upgrade hate.

Vs a deck with a lot of mid turn sentinels, get the Force Chokes in, probably taking out Daring Raids



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