// Mace Yellow Big 1.0 // .dec exported on 12/22/2024 10:28:49 // // Leader and Base 1 Mace Windu, Vaapad Form Master 1 Level 1313 // Ground Units 3 Anakin Skywalker, Maverick Mentor 3 Chopper, Metal Menace 3 Ezra Bridger, Resourceful Troublemaker 2 Fighters For Freedom 3 K-2SO, Cassian's Counterpart 1 Kit Fisto, The Smiling Jedi 2 Mace Windu, Party Crasher 2 Sabine Wren, You Can Count On Me 3 Sabine Wren, Explosives Artist 2 Saw Gerrera, Resistance Is Not Terrorism 2 SpecForce Soldier // Space Units 1 Anakin's Interceptor, Where the Fun Begins 3 Green Squadron A-Wing 2 Red Three, Unstoppable // Events 3 Blood Sport 3 Bombing Run 3 Daring Raid 2 Grenade Strike 3 Grim Resolve 2 Guerilla Insurgency 2 Karabast // Sideboard 3 Ahsoka Tano, Always Ready for Trouble 3 Force Throw 3 Hold-Out Blaster 2 IG-11, I Cannot Be Captured 3 Millennium Falcon, Lando's Pride 3 Now There Are Two of Them 3 R2-D2, Ignoring Protocol 3 Zeb Orrelios, Headstrong Warrior