// Can I Get a Doctor? // .dec exported on 07/01/2024 11:36:32 // // Leader and Base 1 Doctor Aphra, Rapacious Archaeologist 1 Command Center // Ground Units 3 4-LOM, Bounty Hunter for Hire 3 Bazine Netal, Spy for the First Order 3 Boba Fett, Disintegrator 3 Crafty Smuggler 3 Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion 2 Hunter of the Haxion Brood 3 Lady Proxima, White Worm Matriarch 3 Salacious Crumb, Obnoxious Pet 3 Zuckuss, Bounty Hunter for Hire // Space Units 2 Cartel Spacer 2 Outer Rim Headhunter 3 Seventh Fleet Defender 2 Xanadu Blood, Cad Bane's Reward // Events 3 Palpatine's Return 3 Resupply 3 Timely Intervention // Upgrades 3 Rich Reward 3 Wanted