// Incarnadine Sarah Connor // .dec exported on 07/04/2024 09:06:45 // // Leader and Base 1 Lando Calrissian, With Impeccable Taste 1 Chopper Base // Ground Units 3 Bodhi Rook, Imperial Defector 3 Cantina Bouncer 3 Greedo, Slow on the Draw 3 L3-37, Droid Revolutionary 3 Qi'ra, Playing Her Part 3 R2-D2, Ignoring Protocol 2 Syndicate Lackeys 3 Tech, Source of Insight 3 Zorii Bliss, Valiant Smuggler // Space Units 3 Cartel Turncoat 3 Millennium Falcon, Lando's Pride 3 Millennium Falcon, Piece of Junk // Events 3 A New Adventure 3 Cunning 3 Shoot First 3 Spare the Target 3 Spark of Rebellion // Sideboard 3 Chewbacca, Loyal Companion 3 Ezra Bridger, Resourceful Troublemaker 3 Fennec Shand, Loyal Sharpshooter 3 Fleet Lieutenant 3 Gamorrean Guards 3 Han Solo, Reluctant Hero 3 Leia Organa, Defiant Princess 3 Ma Klounkee 3 Relentless Pursuit 3 Strafing Gunship 1 Syndicate Lackeys 3 Wanted 3 Waylay 3 Wing Leader