// Blue Gideon // .dec exported on 07/04/2024 17:26:45 // // Leader and Base 1 Moff Gideon, Formidable Commander 1 Capital City // Ground Units 2 Cobb Vanth, The Marshal 1 Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion 2 Del Meeko, Providing Overwatch 2 Doctor Pershing, Experimenting With Life 2 Ephant Mon, Head of Security 3 Incinerator Trooper 2 Maul, Shadow Collective Visionary 3 Phase-III Dark Trooper 2 Pyke Sentinel 3 Scanning Officer 3 Superlaser Technician 2 The Client, Dictated By Discretion // Space Units 2 Arquitens Assault Cruiser 2 Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer 1 Devastator, Inescapable 3 Gideon's Light Cruiser, Dark Troopers' Station 3 Inferno Four, Unforgetting // Events 3 Altering the Deal 3 Calculated Lethality 2 Endless Legions 2 Resupply 3 Take Captive // Upgrades 2 Bounty Hunter's Quarry // Sideboard 2 Count Dooku, Darth Tyranus 2 Lieutenant Childsen, Death Star Prison Warden 2 Relentless, Konstantine's Folly 2 Restock 2 Traitorous