Commanding the Empire!

Emperor Palpatine
Galactic Ruler
Command Center

Command AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $217.45
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Draw Cards

by Neebles

Published April 05, 2024

Command the Empire with this AMAZING Dual Command Emperor Palpatine Deck! This deck has not been through the most testing, so any and all recommendations on cards to add, remove, etc will be greatly appreciated! With plenty of ways to ramp into not only your leader but also your late game bombs (Vader, Reinforcement Walker, Relentless), the main way this deck wins is the strategic use of removal through the early and mid game to completely BLOW OUT your opponent with late game bombs, as well as stabilizing with your own units! One of my favorite plays has to do with Command! On the turn you have 7 resources (Turn 6 at the latest, 4 if you've had a good time ramping!), you use the 2 modes "A friendly unit deals damage equal to it's power to a non-unique enemy unit" and "Put this event into play as a resource" to deal damage to a unit, hit 8 resources, play out Emperor Palpatine, and steal said unit! It is a great tempo swing to put you even further ahead in the late game!



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