Han Fett Control

Han Solo
Audacious Smuggler
Administrator's Tower

Cunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $156.47
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Published April 07, 2024

Han Fett Control

The idea of this deck is the same as Boba Fett's Cunning deck, but in its white version. In this version, the deck is slightly less aggressive and it relies too much on drawing the card we need at any given moment. However, our turn 4 is very powerful since we will have a good board presence and Han Solo comes out as the unit leader, and it's also much cheaper to assemble.

By playing white, we have cards like Leia Organa, Ezra Bridger, or the Millennium Falcon which will give us very good turns. Ezra Bridger is currently one of the best cards in the collection, and you don't realize it until you play it. As I always say, any card that gives you 2x1 is worth it, and if it also gives you board presence, then it's unbeatable. Ezra Bridger gives us that 3x1 (attacks, filters the deck, and can give us board presence), and furthermore, due to Han Solo, we could play it on turn 1. The Millennium Falcon, same case as Ezra Bridger, playing it on turn 1 and dealing 3 damage, a very aggressive play that, on the downside, leaves us with 1 less resource on turn 2 if we want to keep it on the board. Leia Organa on turn 1 + Han Solo's ability allows us to have up to 4 resources available on turn 1, being able to play aGreedo (for example) in addition to Leia Organa. We have several events to exhaust units or bring them back to hand, which will give us a lot of tempo while we damage our enemy.

As for the sideboard, we bring cards against sentinels like Rogue Operative and Lando Calrissian since it's one of the inconveniences we might face, Change of Heart for more controlling or midrange decks that become stronger from turn 7 onwards, and Outmaneuver for decks that swarm the board quickly, although this cards are quite situational, so replace it with cards that are good against the meta in your area.

In the past I played a variant where you can play with General Dodonna and Medal Ceremony, but I believe it loses the essence of the deck, which is to control and deal damage with few units.

I would appreciate any kind of comment or suggestion.



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