Our love is blue like the sea, blue

Iden Versio
Inferno Squad Commander
Security Complex

Vigilance AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $202.38
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Draw Cards


Published April 13, 2024

Basically this deck is a collection of tools to try to make the game as long as possible, causing the opponent to run out of cards and threats to finish you off.

For this, it is essential to take into account the versatility of Vigilance, which we will use as removal, as a way to recover life or to discard 6 opponent's deck cards.

Not only will we take away three draw turns from the opponent, but, depending on luck, we can prevent him from stealing cards that can really hurt us. The more cards from the opponent's deck are discarded, the less chance the opponent has of accumulating the cards that can hurt us.

Against aggro decks the normal thing is to try to heal as much as possible (they are capable of exploding with +10 damage) and try to use the shields on our units to eliminate rival units.

Against midrange decks like Boba Fett, we will have to be especially careful with turns 4, 5, and 6, where it is possible that the opponent can accumulate two or three important threats for which we should be prepared.

Against control, we have to let it flow and be careful with the large imperial ships like Avenger, Devastator and, especially Relentless.

For the rest, we have an important three-card combo:

  • We will play and rely on Vigilance to discard the opponent's cards and heal ourselves.
  • Using Restock, we will return Vigilance and other cards such as Power of the Dark Side, Takedown, Vanquish or Superlaser Blast to our deck.
  • With Search your Feelings we will recover that Superlaser Blast that we need for turn 7, an Avenger or a Vigilance. However, the most important thing is that we will shuffle our deck, allowing the Restock cards to go from the bottom of the deck to be randomly dealt throughout the deck.



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