Tall man sad (Kylo Blue)
Total: 50 Cards
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Draw Cards
Published June 25, 2024
No card in your hand is special, anything can be discarded. Your goal with this deck is simple: be done with the game before you would have 6 resources in play.
How do we do that?
Plan A: Migs. Use Migs ability turn one to either dispatch a 2 health unit or deal 2 to base. Ideal discard is Brutal Traditions - which you can recur onto your units anytime you’ve eliminated an opponents unit. Play a 1 drop and discard using Migs ability to either eliminate a unit or deal damage, or buff him for a bigger swing. Relentlessness is also a solid play to get him to 3 health. Your ideal discard here if you’re unlikely to pop a unit is Kylo’s TIE Silencer, to play into a second lane. Turn 3 is your leader deploy turn, and I’m playing it depending on what’s available. I prefer to have a saber for Kylo so that I can buff something, play him, then make him 8/7, but I’m fine playing any 2 drop and swinging myself into Brutal…
By now, if Migs has survived this long he’s dealt 6 damage to base or units off discard, you’ve had +4 usable to your swings in total. Migs could’ve hit for 12 before Kylo swings, add another 6 from Silencer and you’ve got a 5 or better ready leader with 18 damage done, potentially as high as 24 damage done. It’s entirely possible to end games in turn 3.
Plan B is to lean into things like your enforcer with grit and some buffs, but still leaning into discard and an empty hand an action after your flip.
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