// Bossk on a Segway // .dec exported on 07/03/2024 23:09:54 // // Leader and Base 1 Bossk, Hunting His Prey 1 Coronet City // Ground Units 3 4-LOM, Bounty Hunter for Hire 3 Boba Fett, Disintegrator 2 Bossk, Deadly Stalker 2 Bounty Hunter Crew 2 Covetous Rivals 2 Dengar, The Demolisher 2 Greedo, Slow on the Draw 3 Zuckuss, Bounty Hunter for Hire // Space Units 3 Fett's Firespray, Pursuing the Bounty 3 Kylo's TIE Silencer, Ruthlessly Efficient 3 Mercenary Gunship 2 Punishing One, Dengar's Jumpmaster 3 Seventh Fleet Defender // Events 2 No Good to Me Dead 2 Shoot First 3 Surprise Strike 3 Waylay // Upgrades 2 Guild Target 3 Unrefusable Offer 2 Wanted // Sideboard 2 Swoop Down 3 Wolffe, Suspicious Veteran