Sabine - Yellow/Red Aggro

Sabine Wren
Galvanized Revolutionary
Jedha City

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $108.06
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Published January 29, 2024

Hey - I saw your games in top cut. So I had a list similar to yours, and I tried it out on forcetable to just goldfish some early hands. I had some issues with it. It feel like the deck just loses super hard to Green Boba - they can wipe your board with Bossk and Overwhelming So, I looked at all of the sabine lists and realized they are not playing some really cheeky cards right now. Keep Fighting felt like a REALLY good card - but I found that it sometimes only represented like 2-3 damage. Not the worst but not the best either. Surprise Strike is also hands down one of the best cards to just push raw damage in the game. I feel like you miss out on that, and Millenium Falcon when you don't play Cunning.

I play Magic the Gathering, so I kind of have a mind for aggro. Greedo is insane. I feell like a 3/1 for 1 has to be in the Sabine deck, and Greedo has built in punish for removal. Additionally, Jedha Agiator is really good because it's attack trigger goes off with Sabine, and it is so easy to get Sabine out since she comes out the fastest in the game right now. Fighters for Freedom is just super good. a 3/4 with sabatour as well as the ping damage to stack with the Sabine's - really good. After jamming a bunch of games against Green Boba - Chopper seems like a must include.. if you can shut down their tempo with free resources then you can win by slowing down how many removal spells they play per turn - and you get even more 1 drops. Essentially, if you can play 2 units per turn - 3 even with your Sabine turn, you can just win the game with the reach cards like Surprise Strike and Keep Fighting I think playing too many event's is not good in Sabine - since Sabine is all about going wide I haven't tested Chopper too much yet - but I think he might be good enough. Ryan_Warner — Today at 7:48 AM this is my version right now:, the Star Wars Unlimited database Star Wars Unlimited is a Star Wars Card Game from FFG, and SWUDB is your home for SWU community, spoilers, deck building, and more. Image I recently added 2 chopper because I had too many turn 1s where I did not have enough 1 drops or Leia + 1 drop Ideal game - which isn't unlikely:

Turn 1: Greedo + Chopper Turn 2: Benthic + Sabine Turn 3: Leader Sabine + Rebel Launcher + Specforce Turn 4: Falcon + Surprise Strike

Usually, if they do not interact too much, you can win by turn 4 or 5. Thats 7 units by turn 3. Ryan_Warner — Today at 7:58 AM You can play 3 copies of Waylay in the sideboard against decks that win with boggles like enchantments. I think Boba Green is tough, but decks that jam like a ton of restore triggers are hard - so 3 copies of Waylay in the sideboard to just delete them.



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