Boba Yellow Top 8 RSG Planetary Qualifier (v10)

Boba Fett
Collecting the Bounty
Chopper Base

Cunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $181.46
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Draw Cards

by Usual21

Published October 06, 2024

My Boba Yellow List going into the PQ at RSG, New Jersey yesterday. Typical list but I maindeck some anti-control tech as I assumed Qira green and Bossk Blue would be popular.

How it went:


Round 1: 2-0 against Sabine ECL

Round 2: 2-0 against Qira green 30 HP

Round 3: 2-1 against Bossk Blue (won first, lost second, won third. sideboard helped a lot)

Round 4: 0-2 against Boba Tarkintown (No turn one play game 1, got swarmed with greedo + death star storm trooper, 2nd game opponent got 3 turn one plays by pinging my probe droid with isb agent, tarkintowning it, and then playing greedo + storm trooper, got swarmed)

Round 5: 2-1 against Qira ECL (Lost first, won second two by going space and boba's armor)

Round 6: 2-0 against Sabine ECL

Round 7: 2-0 against Han1 Yellow

Top 8 cut:

Quarter Finals: 1-2 against Qira ECL (same one as before, game one was a blowout with boba's armor and firespray, second game was close with 5hp left on opponent base, third was a blowout for my opponent.

Overall, this deck does very solid against most of the field with only a losing matchup really into hard control if you don't draw bodhi's + lurking tie and Qira green (especially ECL since gideon ECL or lom pyke ECL killing boba after Qira flip is much harder to deal with than 5 more hp on opponent base)

For sideboard, the 2 NGTMD was pretty much for opposing Boba's, any sabine, rey (bc of lots of healing), and other aggro/midrange, I would side out the bodhi and lurking tie in this case most likely. Everything else is for hard control and I will pretty much take out all the non-pump events (shoot first was taken out tho) and the boba's armor (against Qira I keep boba's armor as most lists don't run Rival's fall and I can typically avoid a POTDS). Out of Aspect Fell the Dragon is specifically for Snoke and Avenger since they are hard stops to this deck, especially snoke as he shuts down every turn one play.

Going foward, I will probably sub out the New Adventure as it didn't serve me any good and porbably replace it with a boba's armor.

Any Advice or recommendations going foward would be helpful.



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