// Mono Han // .dec exported on 07/04/2024 23:00:33 // // Leader and Base 1 Han Solo, Worth the Risk 1 Kestro City // Ground Units 3 Bo-Katan Kryze, Fighting for Mandalore 3 Cassian Andor, Rebellions Are Built On Hope 3 Heroic Renegade 3 K-2SO, Cassian's Counterpart 3 Krayt Dragon 3 Nite Owl Skirmisher 3 Poe Dameron, Quick to Improvise 3 Saw Gerrera, Extremist 3 Wild Rancor 3 Wrecker, BOOM! // Space Units 3 Disabling Fang Fighter 3 Green Squadron A-Wing 2 Red Three, Unstoppable // Events 3 Aggression 3 Karabast 3 Open Fire // Upgrades 3 Vambrace Flamethrower