Linque's Quinlan Tarkintown

Quinlan Vos
Sticking the Landing

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $134.34
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Draw Cards

by celso94

Published November 05, 2024

Hello, everyone! Linque here. Creator of the "Linque's Boba Tarkintown" deck that became very popular at the end of the second set. I decided to create a new list with Tarkintown that is as strong as Boba Fett Tarkintown, but this time, on the heroic side of the force.

First of all, why Quinlan Tarkintown? The answer is quite simple. Quinlan + Tarkintown is absurdly consistent. It is guaranteed to destroy your opponent's early game 99% of the time. The goal of this deck is to disrupt your opponent's early game and then put so much value and pressure on the board that your opponent will not be able to get back into the game. This deck is almost a mix between Boba1 Tarkintown, Sabine Yellow and Cad Bane.

The unit base is mostly focused on Space, using only ground units that have some very relevant effect.

Ground Units:

Leia Organa to tap the opponent's units (especially the leaders) and avoid high-value plays, but it can also be a turn 1 play. Your opponent starts with a 2-cost card, you play Leia, deal 1 damage to his unit with Quinlan, untap a resource with Leia, destroy the opponent's turn 1 with Tarkintown, play a 1-cost ship with the resource you untapped with Leia

R2, which is a very important unit at any point in the game. Early in the game, he can try to find a Millenium Falcon to fit in on turn 2 (which is the best possible unit to play on the second turn), and in the mid/late game, he can try to find For A Cause I Believe or any other card that might be useful at the time you are in.

Cassian Andor, is usually the card you will always recurse and later in the game, play him as a unit to deal surprise damage after your opponent takes the initiative.

K-2SO, no comments needed.

Plo Koon, simply kills Boba Fett with one attack, on the deploy turn. 6 damage from Plo Koon + 1 damage from Quinlan. This card is extremely absurd.

Space Units:

Simply the best ships in the game.


Heroic Sacrifice, 3 specifically. The deck floods the board very easily, so in the mid game, starting to dump Heroic Sacrifice on 1-cost units, like Wolf Pack Escort, can help you close the game very quickly. Also classic combo with K-2SO.

Surprise Strike, 3 damage. Strong.

For A Cause I Believe, best heroic event in the game.


Very relative, it all depends on how the meta will be, but for now, I kept cards that are excellent

SpecForce Soldier to deal with sentinels

Spark of Rebellion to target Barrage on Quinlan's deploy turn or one turn before, if the opponent has ramped

Disabling Fang Fighter, an excellent ship, destroys upgrades, good against Sabers, Bounty healing and Boba's Armor

Qi'ra, another tool to deal with Barrage/Cunning

Chewbacca, Loyal Companion, a single copy to help in matchups against aggro

If you liked the deck, feel free to comment, I will clarify any questions you have.

If you want to also contact me on Discord: celso0752



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