// Pure Sabacc : Han Solo, Contrebandier audacieux // .dec exported on 12/27/2024 17:25:32 // // Leader and Base 1 Han Solo, Audacious Smuggler 1 Capital City // Ground Units 3 Chewbacca, Loyal Companion 3 Crafty Smuggler 3 Ezra Bridger, Resourceful Troublemaker 3 Gamorrean Guards 3 Han Solo, Reluctant Hero 3 Kanan Jarrus, Revealed Jedi 3 Leia Organa, Defiant Princess 2 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight 3 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Following Fate 3 Yoda, Old Master // Space Units 3 Millennium Falcon, Piece of Junk 2 Pirated Starfighter 2 Redemption, Medical Frigate 3 Restored ARC-170 // Events 3 Asteroid Sanctuary 2 Bamboozle 3 Shoot First 3 Takedown