Tal de Sabine verde - PQ São Paulo TOP 8
Total: 50 Cards
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Published January 06, 2025
Deck went 5-2 on swiss on the first Latin American PQ
Yoda Blue - Win
Jango TKT - Win
Palpatine Green - Win
Anakin Blue - Win
Han 1 Yellow - Loss
Sabine ECL - Win
Bosk Blue - Loss
TOP 8 Han 1 Yellow - Loss
Sabine is still powerfull but there are many bad matches now. Even though Sabine players are always trying to find a way to get a better match against TKT, I honestly think that looking into double yellow elements is more important right now.
For the Sabine Players, here's a one million dollar question: How do we beat Han 1 Yellow?
Deck also made to the top 8 in the Curitiba's PQ! Gui Alcantara got his spot in the top 8 but lost to Cad TKT
For any questions about the deck or sideboard follow @taldejamal and @galaticshuffle on instagram!
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