// Anakin Blue // .dec exported on 12/15/2024 14:52:04 // // Leader and Base 1 Maul, A Rival in Darkness 1 Dagobah Swamp // Ground Units 3 B1 Attack Platform 3 Count Dooku, Fallen Jedi 3 Darth Maul, Revenge At Last 3 Doctor Pershing, Experimenting With Life 3 Fifth Brother, Fear Hunter 3 General Grievous, Trophy Collector 1 Gideon Hask, Ruthless Loyalist 3 Lom Pyke, Dealer in Truths 3 Rune Haako, Scheming Second // Space Units 3 Inferno Four, Unforgetting 3 Kylo's TIE Silencer, Ruthlessly Efficient 2 Punishing One, Dengar's Jumpmaster 3 Ruthless Raider // Events 3 Force Throw 3 Power of the Dark Side 1 Rival's Fall 2 Takedown // Upgrades 3 Fallen Lightsaber 3 Perilous Position