Tarkinando com Marutando

Grand Moff Tarkin
Oversector Governor
Administrator's Tower

Command AspectCunning AspectVillainy Aspect
Total: 53 Cards


Deck Price: $46.50
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Published September 16, 2024

With this tarkin budget deck and a lot of faith, it's possible to reach the top eight of any showdown.

Lurking TIE Phantom and Triple Dark Raid (TDR) are the ace of the deck, Lurking TIE with experience is terrifying for the opponent, they will try to kill as soon as possible, try to use this to your advantage.

The strategy of this deck is simple, but the execution is more complex than it seems, any mistake can be fatal.

This is an aggro deck, it can't survive long after turn 7, by the time the opponent manages to get dragon or redemption in, it will be difficult to win. The deck's main weakness is that it relies heavily on creatures and it takes a while for them to get strong.

Turn 1:

With two resources you can probe the droid to get information about the opponent's hand, if you don't have the initiative you can play an ISB Agent, deal one damage and then upgrade it, the turn 1 TIE Fighter is also a good option to clear the space to place the Lurking on the following turn.

Turn 2:

With three resources is ideal to start the domination in space, I only suggest placing the Lurking if the space is free, if not try to clear it with a TIE Fighter or place a Seventhfleet Defender, in this turn it is already possible to risk with Triple Dark Raid if the opponent already has something in space.

Turn 3:

You can start putting experience into ships or other units, remembering that with triple dark raid you already have access to Gladiator and AT-ST.

Turn 4:

Don't forget to upgrade with Tarkin if possible and then deploy and attack to optimize the experience granted.

Turn 5:

You can risk playing a Reinforcement Walker from a Triple Dark Raid, but from here you can play an overwhelming barrage (very strong against Sabine) or a traitorous.

Turn 6:

From this point will depend on how the game goes, this deck has a lot of versatility for dealing with threats due to the yellow aspect,

No good to me dead is very useful to use on leaders, especially Boba Fett, always save one for when you face this deck and also on Poe Dameron when you face Sabine.

Surprise Strike is used to take out large units and also to close out the game more quickly. It's a good idea to leave it to decide the game, except in the case of wasted resources.

Outmaneuver manages to disable the ground which is where you would have the fewest units, compromising the opponent's attacks.

Observations: don't be too greedy, sometimes it's better to attack with the unit right away than to keep adding experience, sometimes the opponent waits for this to steal with traitorous, that said we have confiscate to avoid these situations.



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