PQ São Paulo - Bossk Blue TOP 8
Total: 50 Cards
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Published January 20, 2025
The main deck is still the same list I used in the previous PQ, but I made some changes to the side deck.
+1 Restock: The second Restock was one of my biggest win conditions against Qira in the post-side match. Since I was expecting to face at least one Villainy Green/Blue Aspect match, I decided to include another copy of Restock to ensure I wouldn’t lose the second game.
+2 Mission Briefing: One of the best cards against hand disruption matches. It helped me a lot against Anakin, allowing me to maintain answers even after taking hits from Pillage, Force Throw, and K-2SO. Additionally, it’s an excellent card to have against Han Y and in control matchups.
-1 Krayt: Not really making a difference in the matchups I encountered. The only game where I feel Krayt is truly useful is against Heroic Blue/Red. However, here in Brazil, players tend to build this aspect more as soft control. As a result, Krayt often just enters play to take a Fell the Dragon. Against Sabine and Jango, Avenger and Snoke are just better finishers.
-1 Bounty Hunter Crew: I felt 1 in the main deck is enough. Is a very good card in some situations, but the pay cost is to high.
-1 Strategic Analysis: Mission Briefing is simply a better card in this meta. It allows you to play it alongside another low-cost removal in curve against Han Y.
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