// Fuchsia Ian Malcolm // .dec exported on 07/04/2024 18:36:15 // // Leader and Base 1 Qi'ra, I Alone Survived 1 Kestro City // Ground Units 3 Baze Malbus, Temple Guardian 3 Death Trooper 3 Death Watch Loyalist 3 Doctor Pershing, Experimenting With Life 3 Emperor Palpatine, Master of the Dark Side 3 Fifth Brother, Fear Hunter 3 Gideon Hask, Ruthless Loyalist 3 Krrsantan, Muscle For Hire 3 Lom Pyke, Dealer in Truths 3 Scout Bike Pursuer 3 Synara San, Loyal to Kragan 3 Wroshyr Tree Tender // Space Units 3 First Light, Headquarters of the Crimson Dawn 3 Kylo's TIE Silencer, Ruthlessly Efficient 3 System Patrol Craft // Events 3 Open Fire 2 Takedown // Sideboard 3 Cell Block Guard 3 Clan Saxon Gauntlet 3 Force Choke 3 Imperial Interceptor 3 Power of the Dark Side 3 Ruthlessness 3 Seventh Sister, Implacable Inquisitor 3 Supreme Leader Snoke, Shadow Ruler 1 Takedown 3 The Client, Dictated By Discretion 3 Vanquish