Palp YelloW ToR Update 2.0
Total: 51 Cards
Ground Units (30)
Space Units (7)
Events (14)
Sideboard (10)
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Draw Cards
Published November 25, 2024
SKILL LEVEL - 7 (Moderate Difficulty)
This deck requires a considerable amount of playtesting, and skill to have success.
Palpatine has been one of the strongest leaders since the release of set 1. The ability to steal units from your opponents can be such a huge swing in momentum. The challenge of course is surviving long enough to get to that point. From my experience with this deck, aggro decks can be very difficult, and you need to have a strong game plan where you feel conident in your ability to matchup against the aggressive decks in the format (i.e. Sabine Green/Yellow, Jango Red, etc).
My approach to this deck is to play defense early on using sentinels on the ground, and pinging damage to set up ways to defeat my opponents units, as well as set up a target for Emperor Palpatine to steal on it's flip turn. For space heavy units we have a decent amount of space units to pair along side cards like No Good to Me Dead/Waylay/Overwhelming Barrage/Change of heart
3x Emperor's Royal Guard 3x Phase III Dark Trooper 2x Cell Block Guard (Flex Spot)
3x Poggle, the Lesser
This card is amazing in Palpatine. Each time we play a unit we get to create a battle droid token. The tokens are great fodder for Palpatine's ability so that we can continue to ping our opponents units, while drawing a card and gaining card advantage. It is also an official and has synergy with Emperor's Royal Guard so that we have a strong sentinel on turn 2 as a 3/5.
3x Elite P-38 Starfighter
This card is such a great card, and it's when played/when defeated ability fits so nicely into Palpatine Yellow. It sets up KO's, and Barrage turns in addition to being a solid Overwhelming Barrage target on curve. It does a great job of ensuring that we have a unit with damage on board to steal with Palpatine, while being a solid defender in space.
2x Confederate Courier
Confederate Courier fits nicely into Palpatine as a solid turn 1 play that allows us to cross into different arenas. We can use it early on to pressure our opponent, or to defeat a 3/2 unit in space (Kylo's tie fighter, Mercenary gunship, etc). For units that have 3 HP in space we can still attack, and than use it's ability to sacrifice the droid, to finish off the unit in space, and draw a card with Palpatine's ability.
3x Droid Commando
Droid Commando fits nicely into the Separatist sub-theme that we have in this list, and especially with all the droid tokens that we make allowing into to come into play with "Ambush" a lot more often. In addition to be a solid piece of removal at 3 cost, it is also a good body 4/3, which can be a good Overwhelming Barrage target and a solid unit to help us to close the game out.
One of the most important things in a Palpatine deck, is to have ways to ping your opponents units to set up the ability to steal a unit when you deploy Palpatine. In this version we have several cards that help us to do that including a new card from Twilight of the Republic Elite P-38 Starfighter, which does a damage to a unit when played/when defeated. We are also using the creation of droids in this deck to help us to use Palpatine's leader ability more frequently to draw cards and ping damage.
3x Poggle, the Lesser (Create Droids) 2x Confederate Courier (Create Droids) 1x ISB Agent 1x Salacious Crumb 3x Elite P-38 Starfighter 3x Overwhelming Barrage
One of the main reasons to play palpatine is because of the great choices of top end cards that you have to close the game out.
3x Darth Vader, Commanding the Legion 2x Maul, Shadow Collective Visionary 3x Reinforcement Walker 2x Devastator 2x Cad Bane (Sideboard)
3x Unmasking the Conspiracy- Control/Midrange, hand disruptor for 1 cost. - Fits nicely since we draw a lot of cards 3x Bazine Netal- Control/Midrange, Hand Disruption 2x Palpatine's Return- Control/Midrange, Heavy Removal Opponents 2x Cad Bane- Control/Midrange
This deck can definitely struggle against more aggressive opponents like Sabine Green/Yellow, and Jango Red. It is imperative that you have a strong game plan for these matchups to have success. I chose to play 8 sentinels on the ground. There are other ways to address these types of issues, and matchups. Here are a list of potential cards that are worthy of inclusion depending on your local meta, and decks that you are having an issue with.
Black Sun Starfighter- Space Heavy Decks Cloud Rider- Early ambush unit to take out 3 HP units Bossk, Deadly Stalker-Event ability, Ambush ability Syndicate Lackey-Strong against Sabine Green/Yellow Scanning Officer- For smuggle heavy decks such as Han Yellow Traitorous- Aggro Decks
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