Hera Syndulla
Spectre Two
Command Center

Command AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $99.49
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Published March 10, 2024


Condition win: Attack as many times as possible with many units.

Gameplay: Our leader, like the specters and the rebels, have synergies to a greater or lesser extent with each other, in addition to putting quite a few experience counters. The idea is to buffer our units while we focus on getting down to the enemy base and getting rid of serious threats. We have numerous unique units, keep this in mind to avoid making the mistake of having 2 on the table at the same time.

Matchups: On this occasion I am not going to specify how to play against each type of deck in the confrontations. Basically we are very fast and we should always be, that is our gameplay, but perhaps we do have to take into account how to bench. If we face controls, we will want to use Command and U-Wing Reinforcement , against agro: Karabast and Command and against combo or decks that you know depend on a few cards, we can use Spark of Rebellion

If you have any suggestions or questions, I would appreciate a comment, and if you like it, give it a like.



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