// The Wombo Combo // .dec exported on 12/22/2024 09:17:13 // // Leader and Base 1 Yoda, Sensing Darkness 1 Level 1313 // Ground Units 3 Clone 3 Fighters For Freedom 3 K-2SO, Cassian's Counterpart 3 Pre Vizsla, Power Hungry // Space Units 3 Ruthless Raider 3 Squadron of Vultures // Events 3 Endless Legions 3 Evacuate 3 Outmaneuver 3 Spare the Target 3 Takedown 3 This Is The Way 3 Vanquish 3 Vigilance 3 You're My Only Hope // Upgrades 3 Enticing Reward 3 Entrenched 2 Frozen in Carbonite 3 Perilous Position // Sideboard 2 Clear the Field 3 Cunning 1 Frozen in Carbonite 2 Imprisoned 2 Rival's Fall