// Zaffre Chani // .dec exported on 12/22/2024 08:19:38 // // Leader and Base 1 Padmé Amidala, Serving the Republic 1 Dagobah Swamp // Ground Units 2 41st Elite Corps 2 Admiral Yularen, Advising Caution 2 AT-TE Vanguard 2 Barriss Offee, Unassuming Apprentice 2 Huyang, Enduring Instructor 2 Knight of the Republic 2 Luminara Unduli, Soft-Spoken Master 2 Mas Amedda, Vice Chair 2 Outspoken Representative 3 Republic Tactical Officer 2 Shaak Ti, Unity Wins Wars // Space Units 2 Eta-2 Light Interceptor 2 Headhunter Squadron 2 Tranquility, Inspiring Flagship // Events 2 Covert Strength 2 In Defense of Kamino 2 Petition the Senate 2 Rival's Fall 3 Spark of Hope 2 Takedown 2 The Clone Wars // Upgrades 3 For the Republic 3 Strategic Acumen // Sideboard 3 332nd Stalwart 2 501st Liberator 2 Captain Rex, Lead by Example 3 Captain Typho, Protecting the Senator 2 Clone Commander Cody, Commanding the 212th 1 Compassionate Senator 3 Echo, Valiant ARC Trooper 2 Entrenched 3 Heroes on Both Sides 1 Phase II Clone Trooper 1 Republic Commando 1 Steadfast Senator 2 Sword and Shield Maneuver 1 Timely Intervention 1 U-Wing Reinforcement 1 Vigilance