🎀QT🎀Aggro-Appleton PQ Winner

Quinlan Vos
Sticking the Landing

Aggression AspectCunning AspectHeroism Aspect
Total: 50 Cards


Deck Price: $127.27
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Published January 07, 2025

This is the deck I piloted to win the Appleton Wi PQ this past weekend. The tournament was incredibly well run, and all of the staff and judges were fantastic throughout the whole day. Huge shout out to Gnome Games in Appleton and Rebel Resource.

Why/Why Nots?: This is a brief section explaining my thoughts and choices while deciding what to cut and what to add when putting together the main deck list. I will simply be saying my opinion based on my own testing and playstyle; I do not believe any of this is an objective fact.

Why?: The Rebel Package-Over the course of my testing, I found that Quinlan was the aggro in many of the decks. In some cases playing control for a few turns before trying to pivot to a race after the flip turn. Cards like Grogu/Han are fantastic value, however, going for the rebel synergy is incredibly aggressive and consistent.

L3- There is a lot of competition in the 2 drop slot, and I think all of them have valid arguments on why they should/shouldn't make the list. I chose L3 due to it being a shielded unit, which is incredibly relevant to this TT/Ping meta.

Xwing-Originally I had Anakin starfighter in this slot to help with the race/lane dodging. The goal was to focus on a good space until that was a 2/3 to prevent free kills for Jango, while also applying its own pressure throughout the game. However, when going into the hero blue and sabine matchups, I decided having that extra turn 1 rebel for wingleader/fleet lt was incredibly valuable and worth the switch.

Leia-An incredibly slept on card in the current set 3 meta. Like bamboozle, able to tap down big threats to stall. However, Leia, being a unit herself, cannot only utilize the Quinlan ping but is also able to ready a resource and help go wide into decks like Jango and Control. This flexibility and synergy is why I opted to run 3 in the mainboard over any bamboozle.

Why not?: Pillage-I am always cautious with running too many events with any deck, especially when this leader wants to constantly be applying pressure by playing units and spreading damage across the board. Between Spark, Throw, Qira, and K2 I felt the deck already had enough cards to pressure hands, and keeping key cards off the table is in a lot of cases just as effective as keeping their hand size small.

Fang Fighter/More control hate-I already felt this deck has an ok matchup into control, I was also expecting a lot more Sabine/jango at my PQ(which turned out to work alright) I simply decided to ignore it in my sideboard and hoped to dodge them. I do however think that this deck has a lot of powerful options if you want to target control.

Bamboozle-I honestly feel this is one of the strongest cards, that isn't currently in the deck, that should make it somewhere in the 60. There are so many powerful upgrades that need to be played around. I ultimately decided that since Leia was already in the mainboard, I could be a little more greedy with my Sideboard and tech for other issues this deck had.

Sideboard: 1 Spark-Extra Hand hate for decks that care about certain cards/their hand. Mainly there for Control/Han/Jango

3 Grogu-While this is a slower card, it is incredibly powerful into both Jango and Anakin decks. Tapping down their biggest unit forces them to either answer a 2 drop 0-5 or lose their biggest threat every round.

3 Spare the target-This deck is not always fast enough to get under some big units, and does not have many ways to deal with them. Spare the target helps keep big drops/key units off the board. Going for spare over waylay to keep For a cause doing as much damage as possible. Can be used into a lot of decks. Into Jango it keeps the 6 drops/Cads off the board, into aggro, I'll sometimes side out Force Throws (if they run tiny units/medal ceremony) to keep a Poe/wrecker off the board.

3 Tech-Not much to say about him, one of the strongest cards from Set 2 in my opinion. Mainly here because Quinlan can easily dump his hand very quickly, so tech helps to deal with any deck that has aggressive hand hate. None of the events feel bad while paying that extra 2, and the number of cheap units, allows the deck to keep that extra pressure on board even when out of cards.

Matchups: Round 1: Sabine ECL (W 2-0) Round 2: Jango TT (L 1-2) Round 3: Anakin Blue (W 2-0) Round 4: Krennic ECL (W 2-0) Round 5: Anakin Blue (W 2-0) Round 6: Sabine ECL (W 2-0) Round 7: Jango TT (W 2-0) Top 8: Sabine ECL (W 2-0) Top 4: Krennic ECL (W 2-1) Finals: Han Yellow (W 2-1)



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