// Rey Control // .dec exported on 07/04/2024 21:13:27 // // Leader and Base 1 Rey, More Than A Scavenger 1 Catacombs of Cadera // Ground Units 3 Follower of The Way 3 Krayt Dragon 3 Kylo Ren, Killing the Past 3 Niima Outpost Constables 3 Regional Governor 3 Rey, Keeping the Past // Space Units 3 Disabling Fang Fighter 3 HWK-290 Freighter 3 Rickety Quadjumper // Events 3 Covert Strength 3 Force Throw 2 It Binds All Things 3 Open Fire 3 Rival's Fall 3 Takedown // Upgrades 3 Jedi Lightsaber 3 Vambrace Flamethrower // Sideboard 3 Black One, Scourge of Starkiller Base 3 Poe Dameron, Quick to Improvise 3 Redemption, Medical Frigate 1 Restock