// Mandalore unido // .dec exported on 12/22/2024 05:04:59 // // Leader and Base 1 Sabine Wren, Galvanized Revolutionary 1 Capital City // Ground Units 2 Clan Wren Rescuer 3 Ketsu Onyo, Old Friend 2 Koska Reeves, Loyal Nite Owl 3 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight 3 Mace Windu, Party Crasher 3 Mandalorian Warrior 3 Nite Owl Skirmisher 3 Sabine Wren, Explosives Artist 3 The Armorer, Survival Is Strength // Space Units 3 Concord Dawn Interceptors 2 Green Squadron A-Wing 3 Razor Crest, Reliable Gunship 3 Redemption, Medical Frigate // Events 3 For A Cause I Believe In 2 This Is The Way // Upgrades 3 Heroic Resolve 3 Luke's Lightsaber 3 The Darksaber // Sideboard 2 Disabling Fang Fighter 2 Fell the Dragon 3 Make an Opening 1 Tech, Source of Insight 2 Vambrace Flamethrower