// Cad Bane Vigilance: Pre-set 2 // .dec exported on 09/16/2024 19:44:43 // // Leader and Base 1 Cad Bane, He Who Needs No Introduction 1 Dagobah Swamp // Ground Units 3 Bazine Netal, Spy for the First Order 3 Cloud-Rider 3 Greedo, Slow on the Draw 2 Pyke Sentinel // Space Units 3 Cartel Spacer 2 First Light, Headquarters of the Crimson Dawn 3 Inferno Four, Unforgetting 3 Pirated Starfighter 1 Smuggler's Starfighter 3 Xanadu Blood, Cad Bane's Reward // Events 3 Ma Klounkee 3 Power of the Dark Side 2 Recruit 1 Restock 3 Takedown 3 Vigilance // Upgrades 3 Bounty Hunter's Quarry 3 Frozen in Carbonite 3 Top Target // Sideboard 2 Bounty Hunter Crew 3 Entrenched 1 Restock 3 Slaver's Freighter 2 Tobias Beckett, I Trust No One